Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 4 Reading - The Art of Possibility Ch 9-12

Reading through this book was like one big exhale.  Each of the chapters provided great insight and fit into my life at the very moment as I was reading it.  Maybe it was me allowing the possibilities of what I can learn from this book to take over.  Whatever it was, I found this book to be thought provoking, engaging and a reality check in so many ways.  Each chapter provided direct insight into thought processes that I needed to deconstruct and new ideas to approaching life.  It opened up my eyes and reinforced some lessons I have been learning through my own personal journey of growth.’t

Sharing the things I've learned in this book is one of the main ways that I will "pay forward from my universe of possibility".  I think it will benefit those around me to see me processing things and living life a bit more open to understand the impact of this mind shift and hopefully see how it can work for them.  The possibilities are truly endless and my own creation of those possibilities for myself opens up my world to a brand new existence.  I am rejuvenated, I am free, I am able to inspire and reach more than I thought I could.  My passion and enthusiasm have always been what draws others to me and what propels me to share things that inspire me.  After reading this book, I think my spark will shift to an eternal flame.


  1. Wow, I really enjoyed reading this! It was like an expression of how you felt that didn't deal with a summarization of what you read, those words came from the heart. i'm glad that you are rejuvenated and willing to do anything that you put your mind to. Thanks for being so artistic in your approach!

  2. I love your comment: "Reading through this book was like one big exhale." That is perfect. Thanks for sharing and much success in your next steps.
