Monday, January 24, 2011


So I got my first student signed up to the site:
He left a comment on the discussion board and that was fun to see.  At first I was providing the students with the class name and thought that they could just search the class and join.  It actually doesn't work that way.  They must join GroupTable and then I have to go in on my end and add them by their email addresses.  This can be time consuming if I had to add every student in all my classes (170 total).  But, it is a great way to get them on board and we can interact in a virtual class environment and it gets them using the program so that they can navigate it on their own when they start their own groups.

I also went ahead and posted the rubric for the group to get a feel of the document sharing.

I'd like to see if I can get to organize a chat with everyone, but that remains to be seen.  I have to get more students on here first.  This may take longer than I thought.

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