Monday, January 24, 2011


I wanted to get involved with using GroupTable because I felt that this would be an awesome tool to use for students to work in groups and have additional opportunities to meet with their groups virtually.  Then i also started thinking that I could also have my own class as a group.  I confirmed this when I read in the FAQs that there is no limit to how many members can be in your group.  So I added my Research class and 2 of the class periods as groups.  This way, the students can search for my class (I assigned my class a unique course prefix and code) and add that class to their profile and then in turn add their class period to their profile.  The students will also be required to create their own groups for their project so that they can meet together in their own area.  The main groups they must join for me are the class group for all students throughout the day, and the class period groups.

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